Friday, January 30, 2015


           A picture I thought I would share from a few years ago of my oldest and my youngest. Where does the time go. The fun little ones have in the MI winters!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

About Myself

         I think that I should give a good introduction about myself. Even if there is nobody reading this, one day I may have followers! Well for starters I have been married since I was 20 and have been married for 16 years to my high school Sweet Heart. There has been a lot of tears and hard work put into our marriage. We have grown up together and have learned a lot of life's lessons with one another. We are very Blessed!

          Our first child was born when I was 19 and my husband was 21. He is one of our Lord's greatest Blessings. He has helped mold my husband and I. Our oldest has become a beautiful young man. We are very proud of him! Our second born never keeps it dull around here. He always can put a smile on our face. With the sparkle in his blue eyes and the dimples in his cheeks. Our youngest as of now, is a fire cracker of ambition. You will certainly come to know each one of them through my blog.

            We are in love with our Catholic faith and try to live it to be good teachers to our children. Our oldest son is already doing ministry work through our parish. I strive to have my focus on the Lord in everything, this is where Blessings come from! I am in love with the idea of our family living on and running a small homestead. I have had gardens during summer season's here in MI. I want to do so much more. I would start with getting some Chickens and maybe some bees. We plan on buying some property in about 2 years time so there can be a lot of planning between now and then. All of my children are in public school and they are all doing great! However I have wanted to homeschool them for so many years but fear of failure from my husband have kept this from happening. I know that if it is the Lord's will that my husband would be comfortable with it, so until then I just keep praying.

              I have always tried to feed my family healthy. We just got a whole lot healthier taking out the sugar in our diet (ouch). This is huge! We love sugar. I love cooking with whole fats, good grass feed beef, good chicken and fish, and I really try to make our meals taste yummy! I love good food! I don't think I mentioned how often we eat eggs, a lot of eggs. I am learning all of the time in the kitchen, it is a adventure.

             We love music, the arts, and creativity. We have guitars, a violin, a piano, a harmonica, and I am sure there are some instruments that will be added to that list in the coming future. All of my children tend to excel in art and academics.  My middle son would like to take a try at joining the soccer team through our public high school. The cost for this is near $ 500, so we will have to figure that one out. I love to knit, crochet, and sew. I make our own detergents and would like to start making more of the products that we use on a daily basis. I am trying to compile all the things I need to do this with. While on a tight budget this will take some time.

              I was a care taker for my Grandmother for 2 years until she went to meet the Lord at the beginning of this month. It was such a Blessing to have the special time I had with her. Now that  I am no longer my Grandmothers care taker I am able to start this Blog which I have wanted to do for so long. There are so many wonderful Blogs that have been a Blessing to me daily.

            If you happen to come across my blog and have any suggestions please do comment. There is a lot I still have to learn with creating this space. I hope that I too can be a Blessing! I will share a few pictures from the past week.

Friday, January 23, 2015


    I always think of January as a new beginning. This is very true for our family this year 2015. We lost my Beautiful Grandmother Jan 9th the day before my birthday, we are looking for a new home to call our own, and we are completely doing a overhaul on our diet. I always thought that I did pretty good in the kitchen with health being my goal, I was mistaken. Due to health issues in my middle son which I hope to write a post in the coming week about. During my research in the over growth of yeast in the body I discovered a lot of information on food. We love sugar in this house, I hope our will is strong enough to go without until our son is healed. I hope you join me as we go through this journey!



Thursday, January 22, 2015


     I have accomplished a lot today. This blog has been a thought in my head for along time now, it is so wonderful to see it created!