Monday, March 2, 2015


    Not blogging for weeks is probably not the best way to start off a blog. One or two of my family members for the last five weeks have been sick. And I do not mean simple colds, but knock down fever, chills, congestion, and exhaustion. I am hoping we are finally on the mend. My oldest son was the last one to go down with this awful bug. He came home from a retreat Saturday morning and had a high fever. He really needs to push through it the poor kid has ACT's this week.
        During all of this down time I have been thinking a lot on how I can contribute to my family financially now that I am no longer my Grandmothers care taker. Taking care of my Grandmother was a blessing and ideal way to contribute to my family financially. I was always accessible to my family, my Grandma would not have had it any other way. Now I am in the place where I want to be at home and I want to help financially . I have been thinking about opening a ETSY shop. If I have any readers yet do you have any experience with ETSY? Anyhow this has been constant on my mind.

         I am going to leave off here, I really need to spend some quiet time with the Lord this morning. I will leave a few pictures of the last few weeks. And I will be back with a bulky post soon!

          P.S. The picture above is of my son's in a intense game of Charades.

    First time crocheting this pattern. Something I could sell on ETSY?                                  
                The following pictures are from our Valentines Day!